Sunday, January 30, 2011


As I type this, Stella is chasing a piece of dead leaf around the floor next to my computer. She doesn't realize that it is stuck to her nose. She'll never catch it.

I got a bright one. She also likes to try to bring rocks inside and chew on them.

So from the time Stella came home I have religiously used a baby gate in front of my stairs. I just didn't want her up there until she was a little better house trained (we're on day 4 of no accidents!). I never actually installed it, I've just been leaning it over the doorway.

Today I thought okay let's see what she thinks of the upstairs.

Well she is terrified of stairs in general. The most she's gone is three steps up and then she freaks out and stumbles back down and whines and barks at me. So we'll see how long it takes her to learn how to manage them. She can go down stairs fine- she did that at the park today. But going up is a whole different experience I guess.

Here's the picture of the day! I got a sterilized hollow bone filled with peanut butter at the pet store. Crazy expensive but if she ever gets all of the filling out of it I can just fill it up again. It keeps her VERY occupied.

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