Friday, January 21, 2011

Meet Stella!

Well I finally- FINALLY- got a puppy! I found her at the Greater Huntsville Humane Society in Alabama. She was the runt of a litter of 10, and no one got her so her owners turned her in to the humane society where she'd been hanging out for a couple of weeks.

My mom met her before I did, and here are her exact words regarding this puppy: "I was a the Humane Society yesterday looking at a puppy that is not for us.... It will be a huge, hairy, timid dog, so no." HA! Timid my ass! She was so freaked out by being in a shelter, surrounded by all the noise and strangers, that yes, she was shy at first. But once we got her into a quiet room she got a little braver. And once she was outside she was curious and funny. We clicked. I had to adopt her.

It wasn't easy for me.... As soon as I signed the adoption papers I started feeling anxious. What if I couldn't handle having a dog? What if she turned out to be wild? What if she eats my condo? I true Heather fashion I made myself pretty sick with all of the worry. But I also knew that I'd get over it. I've wanted a dog for such a long time. And here was this perfect little dog standing in front of me- how is that not fate?

Stella is about 10 weeks old. The papers from the shelter say she's a Border Collie/ German Shepherd mix, but honestly all I see in her is Border Collie. I'll have to get a DNA test and see what other stuff is in there. She's mostly black mixed with brown at the sides, with white paws, a white blaze on her chest, and the very tip of her tale is white too.

She's learning how to be a pet and I'm learning how to be a pet momma. I've only had her for a few days, but I have learned that when she gets obnoxious and snaps her teeth and tries to bite me, she needs to go in her crate for a nap. She was sick when I brought her home and had to spend a night at the vet's office, but she's been full of energy now and ravenous when it's time to eat. She can be really sweet and hang out with her Kong or rawhide bone and just chew away while I'm at the computer or watching TV.

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