Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Growing Girl!

Today Stella went to the vet to get her sutures out from being spayed. They also clipped her toenails (I haven't gotten around to getting a toenail clipper yet.)

In 8 days Stella has gone from 10 lbs 2 oz (when she was so sick) to 12 lbs 12 oz. Last week she was really REALLY hungry, but this week she's slowed down with the eating some. The vet said to cut her food from 2 cups a day to 1 1/2. She's much healthier than she was a week ago- she was downright bony then. So she's growing, but not at an outrageous pace. Yet. A DNA test will be purchased soon so I can see what else is floating around in there that could turn her into an 80 lb beast instead of a 45 lb dog.

That's going on the list of things to get at the pet store, including a halter. She pulls on her collar so much when she gets excited that I'm afraid she's going to hurt herself.

Sometimes when Stella can't really see me (like when I'm silhouetted by the front door) she gets this super intent look on her face and starts stalking me like she's going to attack. I think that's the German Shepherd in her and that's going to have to stop- hopefully socialization will take care of it some. Good thing she's still tiny because that would be really scary coming from a full size dog.

So that's the news from the world of Stella today! It's going to snow tonight so she will have a blast tomorrow digging in the snow and trying to chase the flakes. I've been trying to keep muddy dog footprints (the girl loves to dig) from ruining the carpet but it's old gross carpet anyway. The standards around here have relaxed. She's good for me.

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