Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Puppy On the Move!

I swear Stella is bigger today than she was yesterday. Every time I look at her I'm like, "DAMN, how is she getting so big???" But I know she's going to be a big dog. She weighs 14.8 lbs as of this morning, and she's 11 1/2 weeks old.

Today she chased more ice around the living room floor.

And after work we took a field trip to Petco, which is really close to my house. It is better for her right now because it's not as busy as Petsmart and she doesn't get so overwhelmed. (I carried her because she's just a puppy and there were some big dogs in there that scared her. So did the sliding doors. And the person who just reached out and pet her unexpectedly...) We got treats for her first Puppy Class which starts on Saturday morning. I can't wait. I know if she had any clue about it she'd be excited too. She seems to really like other dogs and wants to get to know them.

This same place does hour long puppy play sessions on Sundays which sounds like a stroke of genius. Socialization AND exercise? Perfect.

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