Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Night

Last night was a night of several firsts for Miss Stella.

I decided to give her a bath because the vet said it might help her scratching. What an adventure! I had to stand in the bathtub with her and wet her down, soap her up, and then rinse her off. Oh my goodness, you'd think I was torturing that poor puppy. She was completely silent, didn't bark or growl, and she wasn't shaking. She just did everything in her power to get out of that tub. So I did everything in my power to keep her in it and wash her at the same time. Good times. But I think the bath did help. She's losing her puppy fur and the tub was just a layer of hair when I let the water out. She sure does look pretty. Also, her paws are really REALLY white!

Then a little later a round of bad weather hit. We were outside when the tornado sirens went off, even though the storm was on the other side of the county. She noticed the sirens literally an HOUR later (she's so bright) and decided to bark at the noise. When the rain and wind hit she was pacing and whining and really freaked out. I don't think she's ever heard rain hit the windows that hard.

Thunder didn't seam to bother her at all. She did notice it, but it wasn't the end of her world or anything. Crazy dog.

Oh, and she's completely back to normal after her little bout of feeling yucky after her shots. Full of energy, eating like it's going out of style, and playing fetch like a champ. Go Stella!

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