Thursday, April 21, 2011

Missed My Puppy

This morning I took Stella to daycare at 6:30 to avoid nasty traffic. She was a total brat yesterday- I think she just didn't have enough to do and I was busy with other things. So I dropped her off and came back home to get ready for work.

It was SO WEIRD to not have her here! It was eerily quiet. While there were some things that were nice to get done while she wasn't around to "supervise", like sweeping the floors, it felt lonely around here. I was so happy to get her home this afternoon, wash the daycare stink off of her, and have my puppy back!

Now she's sleeping on the couch and everything is back to where it should be.

I've had to get strict about chewtoys for Stella. She's started shredding her beef tendons when I'm not looking and eating big pieces of them that she later throws up. NOT COOL. No more tendons for her. The last thing we need around here is an intestinal blockage. So I've narrowed down her options to bully sticks, antlers, and hollow sterile bones that I can put a dab of peanut butter in. She's not wild about rubber toys (she does still like her puppy kong but the red kong she won't touch, even when there are treats in there), so they're a total waste of money. She's an energetic girl and needs good chew toys to burn off some of that energy, but the flip side is that she decides her job is to eat something in 5 minutes.

Stella looks TEENY in this picture, which is so funny because all day I've been thinking she looks big.... Oh wait, I think she's still wet from her bath in this picture.

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