Sunday, March 13, 2011

Princess Prissypaws

Stella hates to have to go outside when it's raining. Mostly because she hates walking in wet grass. Baby.

Yesterday was Stella's first agility class! She's definitely the youngest dog there, but what she lacks in age she absolutely makes up for with enthusiasm. It wasn't too hard this time (maybe a little intimidating, especially the tunnel) but it took a ton of brain power because she came home and slept for 3 hours. I had to get her up because I was worried she wouldn't sleep at night. I think she had fun, and I sure enjoyed it.

Today we had a play date with one of her classmates from puppy class. They went nuts, played and played and played for about an hour and a half until they were worn out. Then the grownups decided to have lunch so we went to a place with a patio. Stella was so good- she lay down next to my chair pretty much the whole time. No begging, no freaking out, no barking, and no peeing on the floor. I was so proud of her!

I installed a new shower-head in my bathroom, and while I was at it I went ahead and bought a 7' hose to go on it. Bath time was MUCH easier today. Stella still hated it, but it wasn't nearly so traumatic for her. I didn't have to fill up the tub and I didn't have to dump cups of water over her.

Anyway, she's flat worn out today too, so I got a ton of stuff done while she was sleeping. You have to love a tired puppy.

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